To add medmatch® include code 39158 with your order. Test codes may vary by location. Please contact your local laboratory for more information. Quest, quest diagnostics, any associated logos, and all associated quest diagnostics registered or unregistered trademarks are the property of quest diagnostics. In addition to the individual tests listed below, quest offers 2 panels for oral fluid testing.
Medically supportive icd codes are listed on subsequent page(s) of this document. A qualitative/presumptive drug screen is used to detect the presence of a drug in the body. A blood or urine sample may be used. Simple ordering with single order code for all drug/drug classes and single order code for medmatch testing. Fewer test not performed/quality not sufficient results that require repeat testing. Our test directory includes detailed information, guides and references for many of our tests. This includes test and result codes, specimen collection requirements, specimen transport considerations, and methodology. Jan 21, 2020 · visit our website to see a more extensive breakdown of drugs and cutoff levels included in our five most commonly requested unit codes for urine drug tests. Selecting the right drug test panel for your workplace drug testing program can be complicated. Medmatch® include code 39158 with your order. Healthcare providers have trusted quest diagnostics for clinical drug monitoring for years. Our reputation in clinical laboratory diagnostics is built on an unparalleled commitment to service, coupled with our industry leading, comprehensive testing portfolio.
Healthcare providers have trusted quest diagnostics for clinical drug monitoring for years. Our reputation in clinical laboratory diagnostics is built on an unparalleled commitment to service, coupled with our industry leading, comprehensive testing portfolio.
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